
Bimfire trial numerous software platforms and have experience in adopting these on a variety of BIM projects. The process we have adopted is a holistic one, which utilises the most superior platforms and through transparent collaboration with key consultants, Bimfire have been able to optimise the BIM workflow. In this series of specialised workflows we have created a system designed to unlock the potential of the 'Information'.

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Bimfire has project experience on a wide spectrum of sectors, including Oil & Gas, Mining, Energy, Aviation, Defence, Health, Residential, Rail, Sports Science, Heritage, Education, Remediation Works, Industrial and Commercial. Our team has almost 7 years’ experience working in the Construction, Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas industries, playing a key role on a variety of large scale projects across Australia, Asia and the Americas.

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Bimfire is represented on a number of State, National and International Building Information Modelling committees. These forums provide our team with the latest insights on cutting edge process, policy, people and technology. On these four pillars we have built our organisation. This combination allows our team to strive for constant innovation and efficiency in the Construction, Mining, Energy, Oil & Gas industries.

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